Flexagon - 7 Nocturnes east
Collaborative Exhibition
Video Art 6:06
Barely-moonlit interaction with the bay inspired the use of coloured light to explore the area and experience the movement in the space. One light is controlled by the artist and the other by someone else – a separate entity over which there was no control; another presence making contact.
The natural motion is captured and mirrored to create abstract shapes shifting in perfect reflection. This creates portals and disorientation; the changing light and darkness taking you from the space and bringing you back again.
3 am Spur Point
An area very much under threat. I contacted Professor Karim Vahed ahead of his Guernsey visit. I was interested in whether the rare scaly crickets being studied there made any noise. Sadly he assured me they didn’t.
The night we visited Spur Point was during a storm. I had to protect my recorder by putting it and the mics inside a box. This means the sound of the weather has been muted. However, there was so much wind and rain all I would have recorded if the equipment had been out in the open was white noise.
Written in the Locrian mode, which gives tension to the piece that can’t be musically resolved. This is the second work on the album using live strings. When writing this piece, Spur Point was very much in the news. First with the seemingly inevitable plan to fill in the bay next to it, then with talk of a monorail!
Considering it’s location close to one of Guernsey’s major roads, Spur Point is surprisingly wild - especially at 3am in a storm.
Greenhouse Gallery - Guernsey Museums and Galleries
Full exhibition click here: Flexagon - 7 Nocturnes East Green House Gallery